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Missing Permissions to create default profile for IT Monitoring Console

I have read all the permissions needed to create the default profile for IT Monitoring Console. The application is installed however, the default profile isn't showing. I am curious to know if I am missing some permissions somewhere as when I try to actually create a profile I receive a COM+ application error and states I cannot create the profile, access denied. If someone would be so gracious to help me out on what I am potentially missing as far as permissions go, that would be awesome.


Any feedback would be great!




  • Igor:

    So I was able to create a profile with the usar_intrustagent account. I ran IE in task bar as admin. The usar_intrustagent account already had full permissions under the admin group on the machine. What I am not sure about is why didn't it install as a default profile instead of having to go in and create it during the installation of mon console? I also had to add the domain in front of the user account in run as to create the profile correctly.

    Please let me know if you have any advice on why it didn't create it automatically during the install as the default profile.

  • Igor:

    So I was able to create a profile with the usar_intrustagent account. I ran IE in task bar as admin. The usar_intrustagent account already had full permissions under the admin group on the machine. What I am not sure about is why didn't it install as a default profile instead of having to go in and create it during the installation of mon console? I also had to add the domain in front of the user account in run as to create the profile correctly.

    Please let me know if you have any advice on why it didn't create it automatically during the install as the default profile.

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