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Missing Permissions to create default profile for IT Monitoring Console

I have read all the permissions needed to create the default profile for IT Monitoring Console. The application is installed however, the default profile isn't showing. I am curious to know if I am missing some permissions somewhere as when I try to actually create a profile I receive a COM+ application error and states I cannot create the profile, access denied. If someone would be so gracious to help me out on what I am potentially missing as far as permissions go, that would be awesome.


Any feedback would be great!




  • Hi Nicole,

    OK, got it. Well, I think I need to describe some best practices regarding InTrust accounts. The account USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent as you say is used for InTrust services, and you're not allowed to logon under it, that's ok. But you also should have the account for installation and configuration purposes, let's say USAR_domain\Nicole. This account should also be powerful enough and have certain permissions. The COM+ admin permissions and the membership in InTrust Alerting Admins should be granted to that USAR_domain\Nicole, while inside the profile you specify USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent. So, the COM+ application is created by USAR_domain\Nicole but is running under USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent. And of course it goes without saying, when the program asks to specify any account it should be a pair domain\username.
    Nicole, if you consider the question is answered, may I ask you to mark the whole thread as "solved". Also please do the same for other threads in this forum, if any. Thanks a lot.
  • Hi Nicole,

    OK, got it. Well, I think I need to describe some best practices regarding InTrust accounts. The account USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent as you say is used for InTrust services, and you're not allowed to logon under it, that's ok. But you also should have the account for installation and configuration purposes, let's say USAR_domain\Nicole. This account should also be powerful enough and have certain permissions. The COM+ admin permissions and the membership in InTrust Alerting Admins should be granted to that USAR_domain\Nicole, while inside the profile you specify USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent. So, the COM+ application is created by USAR_domain\Nicole but is running under USAR_domain\USAR_IntrustAgent. And of course it goes without saying, when the program asks to specify any account it should be a pair domain\username.
    Nicole, if you consider the question is answered, may I ask you to mark the whole thread as "solved". Also please do the same for other threads in this forum, if any. Thanks a lot.
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