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steps for moving the Intrust repository


We are planing to transition our Intrust from 2008R2 to 2016 OS.

May I know the steps for moving the InTrust repository from 2008R2 to 2006 without affecting any data loss.

  • Hi mscebala,

    Could you clarify if your concern is about the Repository only or also about the InTrust server? If it is about the Repository only, you just create a new share at the new location, redirect gathering to it, and then Consolidate the old Repository to the new one by means of Consolidation job.

  • Hi mscebala,

    Could you clarify if your concern is about the Repository only or also about the InTrust server? If it is about the Repository only, you just create a new share at the new location, redirect gathering to it, and then Consolidate the old Repository to the new one by means of Consolidation job.

  • Thank you for reply.

    I want to  transition my Intrust server from 2008R2 to 2016. My query is how to move the intrust repository from 2008R2 to 2016 OS.

    current set up

    C:\ OS 2008R2

    D:\InTrust repository ( 760 GB currently)

    New set up

    C:\OS 2016

    D:\InTrust repository 

  • Assuming you have in-place upgraded your InTrust server...

    Use the InTrust Manager to create a new Repository pointing to the new drive location.

    In the InTrust Manager, Create a Consolidation job to move the data from the old Repository to the new.

    Run the Consolidation job.

  • The query is still not clear.

    Here you already asked about in-place upgrade.

    What is your current case:

    1. Upgrade the existing machine from 2008R2 to 2016 via 2012R2 (there is no direct 2008R2-2016 in-place upgrade).
    2. Set up another 2016 machine from scratch and move the InTrust organization to it.

    Which one is yours? If you confirm 2 is what you're going to do, I can describe it in details.

  • Thank you for your valuable time.

    My InTrust server was deployed on 2008R2 now I've  to move my InTrust server to 2016 operating system.


    I will install additional intrust in 2016 later I will decommission the 2008R2.

    My repository have 400 GB data locally attached hard drive that is resides on 2008R2. Now how to move the 400GB data to 2016 operating system.

    Can I use backup and restore  or Robocopy copy method for moving my Intrust repository to 2016 OS.


  • OK, about the case 2.

    Regarding you question about the repository.

    1. Set up the new 2016 Windows host (I assume it will be in the same domain as the old 2008R2 one)
    2. Write down the path to your existing repository, for example "\\Srv2008R2\ITRepo" and all NTFS and SHARE permissions it has
    3. Create "D:\TempRepo" folder and share it, for example "\\Srv2016\TempRepo"
    4. Give the same NTFS and SHARE permissions to this Repo as the old one has
    5. Go to the existing repository properties in InTrust Manager and change the old path "\\Srv2008R2\ITRepo" to the temporary path "\\Srv2016\TempRepo"
    6. You will have all your gathering redirected to the temporary location on 2016 server.
    7. Create "D:\InTrust repository" folder on 2016 server and share it, for example "\\Srv2016\ITRepo"
    8. Give the same NTFS and SHARE permissions to this Repo as the old one has
    9. Use Robocopy or other tool that supports long paths (not 2008 Windows Explorer) to move 400 GB from "\\Srv2008R2\ITRepo" to "\\Srv2016\ITRepo"
    10. Go to the existing repository properties in InTrust Manager and change the temporary path "\\Srv2016\TempRepo" to the new path "\\Srv2016\ITRepo"
    11. You will have all your gathering redirected to the new location on 2016 server and also a relatively small piece of data collected during transition
    12. Use Robocopy or other tool that supports long paths (not 2008 Windows Explorer) to move the data from "Srv2016\TempRepo\Environment$" to "\\Srv2016\ITRepo\Environment$"

    Regarding the server transition you can just install the new server on the 2016 box right away and re-create all configuration anew, but I suggest you to try the Failover feature of InTrust. It has abilities of the seamless transition of the configuration.

    1. 2016 Windows host is already prepared on previous steps
    2. Write down all you need to install the second InTrust Server:
      1. Account which is a member of InTrust Org Admins (you can view the members in the properties of InTrust Manager's root node). The good choice will be to use the same account which was used for installation of the first InTrust server -OR- the account of the InTrust services.
      2. SQL name
      3. SQL credentials (if it is a SQL standard account)
      4. Configuration Database name
      5. InTrust Organization password (you have specified Organization name and password during installation of your fist server)
    3. Run the InTrust installation program on the 2016 host
    4. At the certain page during installation choose "Join Existing Organization" and pick your existing Configuration Database
    5. Specify InTrust Organization password
    6. Complete the installation program
    7. You will have the second server and can see it in InTrust Manager. Two servers now share the same Configuration
    8. Add all your agents to the second server (agents can report to multiple servers)
    9. Make sure the second server has access to the Repository (it should have since you use the same account)
    10. Follow the steps described here:
      1. Treat the first server as Production one and second server as Standby one
      2. Create an InTrust site containing the standby InTrust Server, and specify this server name when prompted for InTrust Server responsible for processing the site
      3. Enable the “InTrust server is down” monitoring rule (located in "InTrust Internal Events | InTrust server failover" rule group) on the standby server, and activate the response action (failover script execution) of this rule
      4. Create and activate a monitoring policy involving this rule and this InTrust site
    11. Turn off 2008R2 server
    12. You will have all InTrust configuration switched to the second server automatically
    13. Check that everything is working as before
    14. Use adcremoveserver.exe tool described here to remove the old server from the organization
    15. Decommission the 2008R2 server