Pass Hostname to a batch script

From a triggered alert, I'm running a batch script and trying to pass the host name using this parameter %event_1.HostName% as the variable.  This worked fine using Intrust version 11.1 but, it doesn't seem to work for version 11.4.1.  Is there a different variable that I can use for hostname?  The application that is running the batch file is using %1 within the script and is not seeing the parameter that is being passed.

  • Hello Igor,

    Sorry, I mistyped the variable on my post but, I do have the correct field listed below.  The batch file that I'm trying to pass this variable to uses %1 within the batch file... The batch file looks like this.   echo %1 > logname.txt. Does Intrust allow me to echo a string into a file using ">"?

  • Hello Igor,

    Sorry, I mistyped the variable on my post but, I do have the correct field listed below.  The batch file that I'm trying to pass this variable to uses %1 within the batch file... The batch file looks like this.   echo %1 > logname.txt. Does Intrust allow me to echo a string into a file using ">"?
