Trying to pull a username from a description.

I am new to InTust and I am trying to setup a rule that sends an alert when someone fails to logon for either a bad password or a bad username. The issue is that the logs come in entirely under insertion string 1 and Event ID 0. I have used the 3 parameters thus far. Threshold for the 3 attempts, Time Period, and Keys to define the failed logon message within the field. I need it to now read the username written in that same field. If someone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

  • Hi Brian, does this topic continue the thread ?

    OK, this can be done with regular expressions, you should write a regex for the String1. Since you did not provide any details, I will give you an example based on previous thread plus my guess-work. If we have two events:

    An attempt was made to login under dom\flast. Access Denied. This user is inactive.
    An attempt was made to login under dom\flast. Access Denied. This user account does not exist.

    The example of the rule that "reads the user name" might be as follows:

    <rule type="REL" version="1.0">
        <argument displayname="User Name Regexp" name="Key" class="Text" description="A regular expression for the user name to search in the Insertion String 1.">
        EventID = 0
        and set_alert_field("UserName", substr(String1, regexp(array(<parameter name="Key"/>), String1, "i")[1][0], regexp(array(<parameter name="Key"/>), String1, "i")[1][1]));

    The regex function returns an array of numbers, the index where regexp matched, and the length of the match, . Then indexes are used in substr function. My regexp is .*?\s([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]{1,61}[a-zA-Z]\\\w[\w\.\-]+)\.\s.*, it searches for something that contains \ inside and ends with . Note that you should double all backslashes after you copy the regexp into the rule.

  • Hi Brian, does this topic continue the thread ?

    OK, this can be done with regular expressions, you should write a regex for the String1. Since you did not provide any details, I will give you an example based on previous thread plus my guess-work. If we have two events:

    An attempt was made to login under dom\flast. Access Denied. This user is inactive.
    An attempt was made to login under dom\flast. Access Denied. This user account does not exist.

    The example of the rule that "reads the user name" might be as follows:

    <rule type="REL" version="1.0">
        <argument displayname="User Name Regexp" name="Key" class="Text" description="A regular expression for the user name to search in the Insertion String 1.">
        EventID = 0
        and set_alert_field("UserName", substr(String1, regexp(array(<parameter name="Key"/>), String1, "i")[1][0], regexp(array(<parameter name="Key"/>), String1, "i")[1][1]));

    The regex function returns an array of numbers, the index where regexp matched, and the length of the match, . Then indexes are used in substr function. My regexp is .*?\s([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]{1,61}[a-zA-Z]\\\w[\w\.\-]+)\.\s.*, it searches for something that contains \ inside and ends with . Note that you should double all backslashes after you copy the regexp into the rule.

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