Account Guest


Iam getting every few minutes a message that tells me that the account GUESTS is getting locked.

The domain guest account is disabled in our domain(i didn't know that a disabled account can be locked)

also the real username of guest account is changed to something else.0

i am getting thos messages fron my dc's.

what can it be? any idea ?

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for Response 

    Since i've found that its our Anti Virus Server (which is in the domain) that is causing that .. We are still investigating why..
    Anyway' my problem was that in the "ACCOUNT LOCKED OUT" rule didn't mention who or what  is causing this - only mentioned the "dc" as origin  ...

    It took me a while to discover that it is coming from the antivirus server - how can you help me with that for the next time please ?

    Thanks in advance
