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Extractor.exe not handling quotes properly

I'm using a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2012 R2 and LiteSpeed Version 8.1 / Build

To reproduce:
- Through the LiteSpeed UI, take a regular full backup of a database (I'm using Sql Server 2012).
- Default values except:
- Encrypt backup (I'm using 128-bit AES)
- Set encryption password to ""key" (that is a double quote followed by the word 'key')

This is the PowerShell script I am attempting to run:

$key = '"key'
& "C:\Program Files\Dell\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Extractor.exe" -F "C:\Backups\backup.bak" -E "C:\Backups\extracted.bak" -N 1 -K "$key"

It outputs:

iteSpeedT for SQL Serverr Version (64bit)
c 2015 Dell Inc.

LiteSpeedT for SQL Serverr Version (64bit)
c 2015 Dell Inc.

The backup file is encrypted, and you have not supplied the correct decryption key for this file.
Note: The decryption key is the same as the one used to create the backup file.


The backup file is encrypted, and you have not supplied the correct decryption key for this file.
Note: The decryption key is the same as the one used to create the backup file.

The following command also fails (In my testing something has to come before and after the quote and there has to be a space after the quote):

& "C:\Program Files\Dell\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\Extractor.exe" -F "C:\Backups\backup.bak" -E "C:\Backups\extracted.bak" -N 1 -K 'k" ey'

with this error:

LiteSpeedT for SQL Serverr Version (64bit)
c 2015 Dell Inc.

Invalid argument: "ey"

The command also fails if you used double quotes around the key (i.e. "k`" ey").

Does anyone know a way around this? Is this a known bug or something wrong with the way I'm invoking the extractor? Thank you for the help.

  • Try the following (which works on the command line)

    Extractor.exe -F "C:\Program Files\Dell\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\backup.bak" -E "C:\Program Files\Dell\LiteSpeed\SQL Server\extracted.bak" -N 1 -K "\"key"

    Hope that helps