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verbose, Log file is removed upon success setting is not removing logs

I have logging set to Verbose, Log file is removed on success set on one of our servers where we are testing different scenarios.  The backups are succeeding, that jobs are completing but the logs aren't being removed.


Has anyone else run into this?  we are running



  • Hello,

    As a first step I would check that the SQL server service account has the right to delete files from the folder you place your logs into. Also review one of the logs and make sure the exit code, seen at the bottom, is a "0" for an engine log or "0 (success)" for a maintenance plan log.

    If the exit code is a "1" the job has recorded an error hence why the log was not deleted.

    Hope that helps,

  • Hello,

    As a first step I would check that the SQL server service account has the right to delete files from the folder you place your logs into. Also review one of the logs and make sure the exit code, seen at the bottom, is a "0" for an engine log or "0 (success)" for a maintenance plan log.

    If the exit code is a "1" the job has recorded an error hence why the log was not deleted.

    Hope that helps,

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