mirror sql backups to network location


We need to mirror sql backups to a network location.  My backup TSQL looks something like this:

execute master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D "ALL DATABASES" -VrfyBackup -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\%D\%SERVER%_%D_%T_%z.bak" -BkFileName -Logging 0 -Reliability 1 -CompressionLevel 2 -Mirror "\\backup_nas\backup_share\SQL\%D" -NOOPTOLR -Exclude Offline LogShippng IgnoreReplica Secondary ReadOnly -MultiThread 5 '

Is this supported?  When I run this job the backups do not mirror to the network share.



  • Hello Thomas.

    Could you try  the script below. I'm sharing the TSQL and the execution output.

    execute master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D "msdb" -VrfyBackup -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "\\\Anonymous\msdb1.bak" -BkFileName -Logging 0 -Reliability 1 -CompressionLevel 2 -Mirror "c:\apps\msdb1.bak" -NOOPTOLR -Exclude Offline LogShippng IgnoreReplica Secondary ReadOnly -MultiThread 5 '

    SQL> Processed 1 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBLog' on file 1.

    SQL> BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 94225 pages in 6.816 seconds (108.000 MB/sec).

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 94225 pages in 6.816 seconds (108.000 MB/sec).

    Backup added as file number: 1

    Output File(s):


    Mirror File(s):


    Native Size: 752.23 MB

    Backup Size: 77.45 MB

    Performing restore verification of backup


    CPU Seconds: 9.56

    Environment: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz

    CPUs: 6 logical, 6 cores, 6 physical packages.

    [2] Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 11 secs.

    I hope this helps, otherwise please open an SR so one of our specialists helps you in this regard.

  • Hello Thomas.

    Could you try  the script below. I'm sharing the TSQL and the execution output.

    execute master.dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N'-D "msdb" -VrfyBackup -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "\\\Anonymous\msdb1.bak" -BkFileName -Logging 0 -Reliability 1 -CompressionLevel 2 -Mirror "c:\apps\msdb1.bak" -NOOPTOLR -Exclude Offline LogShippng IgnoreReplica Secondary ReadOnly -MultiThread 5 '

    SQL> Processed 1 pages for database 'msdb', file 'MSDBLog' on file 1.

    SQL> BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 94225 pages in 6.816 seconds (108.000 MB/sec).

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 94225 pages in 6.816 seconds (108.000 MB/sec).

    Backup added as file number: 1

    Output File(s):


    Mirror File(s):


    Native Size: 752.23 MB

    Backup Size: 77.45 MB

    Performing restore verification of backup


    CPU Seconds: 9.56

    Environment: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz

    CPUs: 6 logical, 6 cores, 6 physical packages.

    [2] Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 11 secs.

    I hope this helps, otherwise please open an SR so one of our specialists helps you in this regard.

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