Apply user mapping in powershell script


Just want to ask help coz we have created a user mapping in metalogix content matrix UI and we wanted this to be generated in powershell script or either applied using transformation. Is it possible we apply user mapping in powershell job run? Please advise. Thanks,



  • Hello Bryan, 

    If you already created a user mapping and generated PowerShell script from the Console should link to that mapping depending on how you have the Content Matrix Suite Setup (Standalone or distributed model)

    Below is a KB on how to create/clear/load/print user mapping as well

    Best Practices for Generating, Configuring and Importing User Mapping (311358)

    Best Regards

    Wes Samson

  • Hi Wes,

    We just wanted to know how do we know if its now included on the powershell script generated? Any identifier or command we should look at in the script?

    And another thing was, since we know that is the file containing the user mapping config, we would like to understand how this was loaded/consumed when we run on powershell + Metalogix. Please advise. Thanks. 



  • Helo Bryan,

    In the Generated Powershell Script it is added in there under below section.

    # Set default resolvers
    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "NodeLocation" -Value "Metalogix.Explorer.PersistentConnectionsResolver, Metalogix.Explorer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "ResourceTableResourceTableLink" -Value "Metalogix.ResourceFileTableResolver, Metalogix.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "DataResolverDataRepositoryLink" -Value "Metalogix.Client.ClientDataRepositoryResolver, Metalogix.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    # Load configuration settings
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\UserSettings.xml" -Scope UserSpecific
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Content Matrix Console - SharePoint Edition\ApplicationSettings.xml" -Scope ApplicationAndUserSpecific
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\ProgramData\Metalogix\EnvironmentSettings.xml" -Scope EnvironmentSpecific

    So when our cmdlets are run it knows automatically how to pick it up.

    Best Regards

    Wes Samson

  • Helo Bryan,

    In the Generated Powershell Script it is added in there under below section.

    # Set default resolvers
    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "NodeLocation" -Value "Metalogix.Explorer.PersistentConnectionsResolver, Metalogix.Explorer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "ResourceTableResourceTableLink" -Value "Metalogix.ResourceFileTableResolver, Metalogix.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    Set-MetalogixDefaultResolverSetting -Name "DataResolverDataRepositoryLink" -Value "Metalogix.Client.ClientDataRepositoryResolver, Metalogix.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b240fac3e39fc03"

    # Load configuration settings
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\UserSettings.xml" -Scope UserSpecific
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Content Matrix Console - SharePoint Edition\ApplicationSettings.xml" -Scope ApplicationAndUserSpecific
    Load-MetalogixConfigurationVariableSettings -FilePath "C:\ProgramData\Metalogix\EnvironmentSettings.xml" -Scope EnvironmentSpecific

    So when our cmdlets are run it knows automatically how to pick it up.

    Best Regards

    Wes Samson

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