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What permissions does the ControlPoint service account need to report on MySites/Personal Sites storage? Every day my ControlPoint error report is full of Access Denied errors for the farm admin account.


4/24/2018 2:02:21 AM xxxc\xxxxxxxx (redacted)

ID #: 2222751: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Stack: at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSiteUsageSummary(String bstrUrl, Int64& plDiskUsed, Int64& plBWUsed, Int64& plVisits, Int64& plHits)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Usage()

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.getSiteSums(SPWeb spweb)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.PopulateStorageColumns(DataRow workRow, IxcCPSite iSite, DataRow topLevelRow)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.TraverseSiteCollection(DataRow& workRow, Boolean& renewRow, IxcCPSite iSite, SPLevel level)


  • Thanks for the reply. However, all of the conditions are met. There are no errors for any other web application analytics. All the errors in the logs are for the User Personal Sites (MySites) Web Application. There's an Access Denied error for each personal site. The account getting the error is the Farm Admin service account. It should have access to everything. I've also verified permissions in SQL. ​Nothing helps.

  • Thanks for the reply. However, all of the conditions are met. There are no errors for any other web application analytics. All the errors in the logs are for the User Personal Sites (MySites) Web Application. There's an Access Denied error for each personal site. The account getting the error is the Farm Admin service account. It should have access to everything. I've also verified permissions in SQL. ​Nothing helps.

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