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What permissions does the ControlPoint service account need to report on MySites/Personal Sites storage? Every day my ControlPoint error report is full of Access Denied errors for the farm admin account.


4/24/2018 2:02:21 AM xxxc\xxxxxxxx (redacted)

ID #: 2222751: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Stack: at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSiteUsageSummary(String bstrUrl, Int64& plDiskUsed, Int64& plBWUsed, Int64& plVisits, Int64& plHits)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Usage()

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.getSiteSums(SPWeb spweb)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.PopulateStorageColumns(DataRow workRow, IxcCPSite iSite, DataRow topLevelRow)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.TraverseSiteCollection(DataRow& workRow, Boolean& renewRow, IxcCPSite iSite, SPLevel level)


  • I have confirmed. The service account has full control to the WAP. I have also manually add perms to the MySites content DB as db_owner. I'm not having this issue with any other WAP. Only My_Sites (personal sites). ControlPoint Discovery is pulling info for MySites and I can manage/report on MySites from the CP Console. There's no issue there. I'm just getting an error in CP log for each MySite so my daily logged error report has thousands of error lines and is around 5mb. ​It seems that the only issue is with "SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSiteUsageSummary". Not inherent access to the WAP. Is there something that needs to be enabled for the MySites WAP?

  • I have confirmed. The service account has full control to the WAP. I have also manually add perms to the MySites content DB as db_owner. I'm not having this issue with any other WAP. Only My_Sites (personal sites). ControlPoint Discovery is pulling info for MySites and I can manage/report on MySites from the CP Console. There's no issue there. I'm just getting an error in CP log for each MySite so my daily logged error report has thousands of error lines and is around 5mb. ​It seems that the only issue is with "SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSiteUsageSummary". Not inherent access to the WAP. Is there something that needs to be enabled for the MySites WAP?

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