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What permissions does the ControlPoint service account need to report on MySites/Personal Sites storage? Every day my ControlPoint error report is full of Access Denied errors for the farm admin account.


4/24/2018 2:02:21 AM xxxc\xxxxxxxx (redacted)

ID #: 2222751: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Stack: at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSiteUsageSummary(String bstrUrl, Int64& plDiskUsed, Int64& plBWUsed, Int64& plVisits, Int64& plHits)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.get_Usage()

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.getSiteSums(SPWeb spweb)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.PopulateStorageColumns(DataRow workRow, IxcCPSite iSite, DataRow topLevelRow)

at xcCore.Logic.Traverse.TraverseSiteCollection(DataRow& workRow, Boolean& renewRow, IxcCPSite iSite, SPLevel level)


  • Hi James,


    Please do the following:


    1. Run the attached script to validate and re-add (as needed) the service account to each WAP's User Policy.
    2. Log in to the ControlPoint server using the installation account, run the License Manager as an administrator, select "Added SharePoint Web Application or Content Database" and click "Record License Info". This will grant the necessary permission to the service account on the SharePoint and ControlPoint databases.


    Let me know if the issue persists.





  • Hi James,


    Please do the following:


    1. Run the attached script to validate and re-add (as needed) the service account to each WAP's User Policy.
    2. Log in to the ControlPoint server using the installation account, run the License Manager as an administrator, select "Added SharePoint Web Application or Content Database" and click "Record License Info". This will grant the necessary permission to the service account on the SharePoint and ControlPoint databases.


    Let me know if the issue persists.





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