Modified At metadata not being copied when migrating files from File System to SP Online

I am migrating files from file system to SharePoint Online and following Uploading files into SharePoint from user manual.

But, its not migrating the modified at value from the file system.

The file is copied to SharePoint online with the date it was copied to SharePoint but not when it was last modified on the file system.

I have tried all combination in the field value selection  - keep Original value and Modified At from available columns but nothing seems to work.

I will appreciate if some one can guide what I am missing. Thanks

Parents Reply
  • Hi Shivanipk,

    When doing a delta migration, any content that needs to be updated will be removed from the target and then re-migrated. This is done in order to avoid issues with versioning. If you are doing an incremental migration, for instance, a 10 day incremental, then all content newer than the 10 day period will be removed and remigrated. If you are seeing issues other than this, then I recommend that you open a Service Request on our support portal for further investigation.

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