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Unable to connect to remote registry service. The network path was not found in RUM when trying to move computers


I am needing some help with using the Migration Manager 8.11. I am able to discover, and run the processing command in RUM, however when trying to move the computer I am getting this error message. "Unable to connect to remote registry service. The network path was not found". I am able to ping from source to target and from target to source by netbois name. We also added the domain name to the DNS Suffix list. The interesting thing is, if we move to a server segment and assign a static ip then we can move the computer with no issue. We also tried to statically put in IP and reserve the IP in the DHCP reservation but the moved failed. Any other suggestions I can try?




  • The netsetup log is telling me that domain join call is never invoked.


    There are two ways to execute a move task. The default is remotely (without the agent). Try the same task but uncheck the Remotely check box and see what those results are. 

  • The netsetup log is telling me that domain join call is never invoked.


    There are two ways to execute a move task. The default is remotely (without the agent). Try the same task but uncheck the Remotely check box and see what those results are. 

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