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Quest Migration Manager processing did not change servieaccount


I migrated a server and after the end of the processing activity , i did not get any error. The Lof files says that services account have no errors.

But, When I log in to the server, I see that it did not change to the target domain.

I am at a loss as how to investigate this. If someone can direct where to look, It is appreciated

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  • The way I check for account mappings is to locate the migration session that I believe processed the object and initiate an "Undo" - but only to the point where it lists the objects in the session.  There you will see whether or not there is an entry for the account you are looking for.

  • I was unable to retrace the directory Migration Session as it was deleted by the previous DMM administrator.

    But I was able to retrieve the matching pair ExtensionAttributes. From the ExtensionAttributes I was able to valide the souce and target GUID

    Both GUID are the same. Why can QMM is unable to do the mapping ?

  • The quickest solution at this point would be to do a migration session for that one account to try and force the re-creation of the mapping.  Then create a resource processing job for your server and check if the account shows up in the VMOVER.INI this time.

  • Hello

    How can I do this ? Delete the extensionAttributes with powershell commands on the target domain and redo the mapping ?

  • Hello,

    So I deleted the extensionAttributes on target domain, recreated the migration session. Once this is complted, RUN was able to process the service account.

    I believe that RUM needs to have the migration session available in order to do the mapping. If you deleted the migration session, the mapping is btoken

    I Wonder if I migrrated a user a seconf time, Will I loose a licence ?