Question related to Sidhistory

Hello Guys,

I'm very excited about my first post on the forum.

After reading below support article link, I have confusion related to sidhistory. I hope you guys will explain this.

How the Access Token Limit Is Reached

When a user logs on and authentication is successful, the logon process returns a SID for the user and a list of SIDs for the user’s security groups and these comprise the access token. SID history can add additional SIDs to the token. The SIDs in an access token include:·      The security principal's SID, including SIDs from the SID history of the principal. The SID from each domain local group that the principal is directly or transitively a member of, for the domain of the workstation or resource. !!!!!!!!!!!!    The SID for each global group that the principal is directly or transitively a member of, including SIDs from the SID history of the group.    The SID for each universal group that the principal is directly or transitively a member of, including SIDs from the SID history of the group.·    The SID for each built-in group the principal is directly or transitively a member of.

The SID for each local group that the principal is directly or transitively a member of.


Let's consider if Domain Local group of source domain migrated to Domain Local group of target domain with sidhistory. So as per above mentioned information, once target user (member of target domain local group) login to target domain joined workstation his access token will contain target domain local group.

So my questions are:

Q1: It means that his access token will not include sidhistory (Sid of Source Domain Local group). Am I right or wrong?

Q2: If sidhistory will not be included, then what's the point and benefit of migrating domain local group with sidhistory? I mean that will never be used.

Q3: If sidhistory will be included, then it will only be used if server is moved to target domain as well as resource is secured with Source domain local group in ACL. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Looking forward to your prompt reply.

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