Password Synchronisation


I'm trying to understand and validate some informations, we have a one way Migration / synchronization from domain source to domain target, my Questions:

- How does the password synch works ? it's based on the chage timestamp ? if I change the source Password does it replicate on the target with a full synch

- is there a way to fix the password copy Synch problems related to the doamin password policies (complexity, length).. the problem occurs when the policy is not the same on the target

-Where can I find the accounts who failed the password complexity

Thank you

  • The synch process compares the source password to the target password and if the target password is older, the source password will be copied over.

    As far as password policy is concerned, you could create a staging OU in the target with a weaker password policy to allow you to get your objects created in the target without errors.  On cutover day, you could tell users to change the passwords to a more complex one when they login into the target domain.  At that point, you can move their accounts to their "correct" regular OUs.

  • The synch process compares the source password to the target password and if the target password is older, the source password will be copied over.

    As far as password policy is concerned, you could create a staging OU in the target with a weaker password policy to allow you to get your objects created in the target without errors.  On cutover day, you could tell users to change the passwords to a more complex one when they login into the target domain.  At that point, you can move their accounts to their "correct" regular OUs.
