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Migrating from a shared Exchange hosted platform to Office 365

Could someone please advise me if this is possible using the Quest migration manager for Exchange product? I am using a shared platform that is hosted by a provider and i want to migrate to Office 365. The limitations around hybrid configurations for multiple tenants has lead me to consider using 3rd party migration tools but i cannot seem to get any pre-sales assistance from Quest/Dell so i am hoping someone on the forums can help answer this query.

  • You really have two options depending on whether or not coexistence plays a part in your scenario:

    Migration Manager for Exchange requires that its agent(s) have good access to the source and target environments and thus typically would require a dedicated VPN or an on-prem presence.

    Through its directory synchronization & calendar synchronization capabilities, MMEX does allow for a period of coexistence - i.e. you don't have to cutover everyone at once in a "big bang".

    There's a fair amount of complexity in getting MMEX setup and Quest will generally want you to use some form of qualified professional services provider (either their's or a certified integrator) to perform the work as the Support team is not resourced to handhold customers through a project.

    The other option is On Demand Migrator for Exchange - a SaaS solution that allows you to do basic content migration in batches but doesn't really provide any coexistence solution. It's a great content forklift.

    You haven't told us about what the source platform version is so that might have some influence on which solution on you can use.

    'Hope this helps a bit.
  • You really have two options depending on whether or not coexistence plays a part in your scenario:

    Migration Manager for Exchange requires that its agent(s) have good access to the source and target environments and thus typically would require a dedicated VPN or an on-prem presence.

    Through its directory synchronization & calendar synchronization capabilities, MMEX does allow for a period of coexistence - i.e. you don't have to cutover everyone at once in a "big bang".

    There's a fair amount of complexity in getting MMEX setup and Quest will generally want you to use some form of qualified professional services provider (either their's or a certified integrator) to perform the work as the Support team is not resourced to handhold customers through a project.

    The other option is On Demand Migrator for Exchange - a SaaS solution that allows you to do basic content migration in batches but doesn't really provide any coexistence solution. It's a great content forklift.

    You haven't told us about what the source platform version is so that might have some influence on which solution on you can use.

    'Hope this helps a bit.
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