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Migrating from a shared Exchange hosted platform to Office 365

Could someone please advise me if this is possible using the Quest migration manager for Exchange product? I am using a shared platform that is hosted by a provider and i want to migrate to Office 365. The limitations around hybrid configurations for multiple tenants has lead me to consider using 3rd party migration tools but i cannot seem to get any pre-sales assistance from Quest/Dell so i am hoping someone on the forums can help answer this query.

  • You don't need any agents on source and target systems per se but you will require hosts (virtual are fine) to host the agents. These "agent hosts" are how you are able to send data into Office 365. Obviously data going to Office 365 is going to transit the internet so benchmark testing your internet connection is going to be important to determine how long this is going to take. The documentation for the product explains all of this very well so I would suggest you give that a good read as you plan this exercise.
  • You don't need any agents on source and target systems per se but you will require hosts (virtual are fine) to host the agents. These "agent hosts" are how you are able to send data into Office 365. Obviously data going to Office 365 is going to transit the internet so benchmark testing your internet connection is going to be important to determine how long this is going to take. The documentation for the product explains all of this very well so I would suggest you give that a good read as you plan this exercise.
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