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Manually Uninstall NetVault 11.2 for Windows

We recently updated our NetVault Backup client on our Windows Server infrastructure.

On one particular server - the update has half-applied. The install looks to have created files in the install directory, but the uninstall.exe is 0 bytes and does nothing. It also doesn't appear to have registered in Control Panel, as I am unable to uninstall it from here.

Is there a method for removing the client to then perform a reinstall? I have done the following:

- Rerun the installer in the server's current state. The installer complains an existing newer or current version already exists, so the installation is detected.

- Remove the NetVault install directory and rerun the installer. The installer complains that it detects a NetVault client already installed, but cannot determine the version.

Is there a removal tool I can use to clear the orphaned installation?

Thanks for help in advance!


Kind regards



  • Ah...So, that uninstaller should actually work, but since its deployed during an install/upgrade, it sounds like it was part of the package that didn't deploy correctly.

    So, what I would do in this case is the following:
    -If there is any type of Service that was created for NetVault that is running, stop this service.
    -Delete the entire NetVault directory under its install path.
    -Open regedit
    -Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software >Dell > Delete entry for NetVault Backup
    -Look for folder Netvault Ltd - Delete Entry
    -Go to WOW6432 Node
    -Delete anything related to NetVault there as well there may be a Bakbone Software and NetVault ltd - delete these.

    Reboot and and reinstall.
    Please let me know if this helps.

  • Ah...So, that uninstaller should actually work, but since its deployed during an install/upgrade, it sounds like it was part of the package that didn't deploy correctly.

    So, what I would do in this case is the following:
    -If there is any type of Service that was created for NetVault that is running, stop this service.
    -Delete the entire NetVault directory under its install path.
    -Open regedit
    -Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software >Dell > Delete entry for NetVault Backup
    -Look for folder Netvault Ltd - Delete Entry
    -Go to WOW6432 Node
    -Delete anything related to NetVault there as well there may be a Bakbone Software and NetVault ltd - delete these.

    Reboot and and reinstall.
    Please let me know if this helps.

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