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I already updated to version 11.1. Everthing working fine so far. One thing I've got to solve. I am using the psmail_logs.bat as post script. E-mails are only sent when the jobs are in a "completed successfully" or "failed" state. What do I need to do to get e-mails for i.e. "completed with warnings" an other states?

best regards

  • Hi,
    Maybe I'm not understanding your issue correctly buy you can configure Notifications by going to (web interface):
    Configuration -> Configure Notifications -> Job Compeleted with warnings -> (your choice here)

    hope this helps!
  • Hi,
    Maybe I'm not understanding your issue correctly buy you can configure Notifications by going to (web interface):
    Configuration -> Configure Notifications -> Job Compeleted with warnings -> (your choice here)

    hope this helps!
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