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Creating a lot of jobs for archive to tape


We recently installed a second Smartdisk running in another server location and thus we have the following setup:

  • All jobs run backups to a deduplicated Smartdisk in server location A
  • All jobs have a phase 2 where the backups are data coped to a second deduplicated Smartdisk in server location B

This all works like a charm, in fact backups have never worked this good! We have the Smartdisk in server location B loaded with quite a lot of disk which means that we can have some 3 to 4 weeks of backup jobs available at any time.


Earlier we had the phase 2 making backups to tape but that is not possible any more due to phase 2 being data copy for Smartdisk no. 2 and as far as I know you cannot have a phase 3 in a job.

Now to the question. How would I create archive backup jobs to tape for all my backups jobs without having to create the archive jobs one by one?

Any suggestions?



  • That is quite alot. Are these all for data copy type jobs though?
    Either way, you can use CLI, you would be using the command 'nvjobcreate'
    But since this uses existing Backup Sets, you would need to have also the "backup selection sets created"

    Once those are created, you can then use "nvjobcreate" with a parameter file and have all those sets built into the param file. You then would run "nvjobcreate" and it would read the param file and create the jobs.

    Here is a link to the CLI Guide and "nvjobcreate" initially.
    There is also a section on "nvsetcreate" in there as well if you wanted to create sets using the CLI as well.
  • That is quite alot. Are these all for data copy type jobs though?
    Either way, you can use CLI, you would be using the command 'nvjobcreate'
    But since this uses existing Backup Sets, you would need to have also the "backup selection sets created"

    Once those are created, you can then use "nvjobcreate" with a parameter file and have all those sets built into the param file. You then would run "nvjobcreate" and it would read the param file and create the jobs.

    Here is a link to the CLI Guide and "nvjobcreate" initially.
    There is also a section on "nvsetcreate" in there as well if you wanted to create sets using the CLI as well.
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