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Full restore fails on new server

 Hey all.

As support wont help me.. as usual. with just a question. running 9.20 Build 17

I need abit of help under standing why when you restore a backup, it fails -from a full backup.

This is just a test server to know that the backups are working.. obvouisly not.

It dosnt give a reasion why, Other then Failed.


Ok so,

New 2008 server install, with Netvault backup client

On the host that manges the backup, restore screen, i make a seclection of what i want to restore (Eg DC-11), then chose the arcived files to restore. C:\ & system state. desternation is DC-11-Test.

Running the job checkes the index then fails 11-12seconds later.

Need help with this urgently as of now, we cant recover any old servers on a new platform.


  • Hi Oliver,
    Sorry to hear that you didn't have an answer from support, it could be because Netvault 9.2 is no more supported.
    Any way, did you get in touch with them and do you have a case number?
    How can we reach you as we will need more information to be able to troubleshoot your issue.
  • Hi Oliver,
    Sorry to hear that you didn't have an answer from support, it could be because Netvault 9.2 is no more supported.
    Any way, did you get in touch with them and do you have a case number?
    How can we reach you as we will need more information to be able to troubleshoot your issue.
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