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Issue migrating a record to a record library



 When I migrate reords to a record library (same schema and content type used) to site 'A' ,  I get an error (described below) but running the same migration job to  a site 'B' it runs without any issues.


 I get the following error when I run the job with the migration target (Site A)


Error adding document 'XYZ.docx' ---> Error saving file to SharePoint

Error details / stack traces:

     System.Exception: Error adding document 'XYZ.docx' ---> System.Exception: Error saving file to SharePoint ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequestException: The file already exists.
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinary(ClientContext context, String serverRelativeUrl, Stream stream, String etag, Boolean overwriteIfExists, SaveBinaryCheckMode checkMode)
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.ClientSPFileCollection.<>c__DisplayClass2.<AddFile>b__0()
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.ClientSPExtension.ExecuteDirect(ClientRuntimeContext context, Action executeMethod)
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.ClientSPFileCollection.AddFile(String name, Stream stream)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.ClientSPFileCollection.AddFile(String name, Stream stream)
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.ClientSPFileCollection.Add(String name, Stream stream, ISPUser createdBy, ISPUser modifiedBy, DateTime timeCreated, DateTime timeLastModified)
   at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.SharePointDocLibraryRecordWriter.PrepareDocumentLibraryItems(SharePointItems items, ISPListItemCollection spDuplicateItems)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Stack trace:      at Quest.NSP.SharePoint.SharePointRecordsWriter.WriteRecords(IDataReader reader, List`1 migratedItemList, Int32 numberItems)
(client workingSet = 225M)