Is there a way to export Notes documents as PDFs

I want to migrate Notes documents to PDFs. Each document should become a new PDF and be stored in a local folder. The fields within the Notes documents should be on the PDF page, not in properties of the file.

For instance, I want the PDF files to look something like this:

Title: Notes document title

Field1: value from Field1 on the Notes document

Field2: value from Field2 on the Notes document

Even better would be if the exported PDF files could be stored in a folder structure like this:

Export folder\NotesTitleField1\NotesFieldValue1-1.PDF

Export folder\NotesTitleField1\NotesFieldValue1-2.PDF

Export folder\NotesTitleField2\NotesFieldValue2-1.PDF

Export folder\NotesTitleField2\NotesFieldValue2-2.PDF

Export folder\NotesTitleField2\NotesFieldValue2-3.PDF

  • If I understand right, all this is possible. 
    You can select "Folder" as the migration target to migrate to a local folder (or mapped file share).
    You can select the predefined "PDF" target data definition to create PFD documents with MNSP, and modify that definition as needed.
    You can map any source value to the file path.