Can csv file be imported for Local to Local User migration filtering

Hello!   I am migrating  specific users from an OU .Is there any option to import csv files where I can input the to Be  user details in template/workflow?

  • Hello, ODMAD does not use CSV files for discovery and matching.  Instead, you can set a unique attribute on your in-scope users in AD and then configure a matching attribute filter in the Stage step of your workflow by double-clicking on the OU in the workflow wizard.  For example, you can double-click the OU and add a filter for "ExtensionAttribute10 Equals Migrate" and then populate EA10 with the value "Migrate" on the AD users that you want to migrate.

  • ok..thanks.Got it. :) Does it work for devices too?

  • Yes, you can use attribute filtering to manage the migration scope of any AD objects, including users, groups, contacts, and devices. Keep in mind that you do not necessarily need to pre-sync the devices in a workflow like you do for users and groups, unless you have a specific need for needing to sync the computer objects for a group membership or something similar. Many projects just include users and groups in the workflows and then the device migration is completed using the standard cutover process.