Problems to Run On Demand Migration Desktop Update Agent


We're working on the delivery of On Demand Migration Desktop Update Agent to our endpoints to be part of our mail migration.

Unfortunately, we're facing issues to run on regular user acounts (without administrative privileges.

Anyone face same issue and could resolve the problem?

Follow the errors:

"14:46:20 [Info] Executing script file: 'C:\ProgramData\Quest\DUA\DetectDomainJoined.ps1'
14:46:21 [Error] Running scripts is disabled on this computer. Consider changing the PowerShell execution policy then restart the Desktop Update Agent."


"PS C:\ProgramData\Quest\DUA> .\DetectDomainJoined.ps1
New-Object : Não é possível localizar o tipo [OutlookAgentLib.PSHelpers.PSOutput]: verifique se o o assembly contendo o tipo está carregado.
No C:\ProgramData\Quest\DUA\DetectDomainJoined.ps1:44 caractere:11
+ $output = New-Object OutlookAgentLib.PSHelpers.PSOutput
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidType: (:) [New-Object], PSArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand

A propriedade 'ResultCode' não foi encontrada neste objeto. Verifique se a propriedade existe e pode ser definida.
No C:\ProgramData\Quest\DUA\DetectDomainJoined.ps1:75 caractere:5
+ $output.ResultCode = 1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound

PS C:\ProgramData\Quest\DUA>"

Thank you!
