We're excited to roll out an updated MPM Placemat sales tool that provides a high-level overview of our portfolio. You can grab it from your CAM, or here on the partner portal.

This Placemat is intended to be a "one-pager" that you can print out and bring with you to an onsite visit, or review with a client or partner over the phone. While it's a "one-pager", there are two sides front and back. I want to quickly go over each side. 

Side 1 (Front)


Side 1 helps give a quick overview of everything we do in the Microsoft space. Often it’s a way to show, for example, a Change Auditor customer all the other different products and platforms we support (cross-sell/up-sell).

Here are some talking points for side 1:

Think about everything your organization is facing right now, and what you are planning in the future.

  • Move to the cloud.
  • Improving your security posture to support emerging threat vectors.
  • Compliance audits.
  • Or, potentially mergers, acquisitions or divestitures.

You, as an IT professional play a pivotal role in all of these strategic initiatives. Why? Well think about what they all have in common. ACTIVE DIRECTORY!

Active Directory (AD) is still the backbone of your IT environment because it’s the single point of authentication and authorization. It controls access to all critical resources, and it is the linchpin to any major project or initiative. This is the case even today as more companies leverage the cloud and support  employee’s mobile-first approach to work. In fact, the drive for digital transformation is making AD more important than ever. Many AD infrastructures are 10 to 15 years old and have grown significantly over time. Those relying on AD have learned that these early deployments are often ill-equipped to meet the needs of today’s technologies and business demands. This is especially true in the case of large organizations with complex infrastructures. Without proper clean-up and consolidation, organizations could face security and compliance risks once you get to the cloud. With so many systems and users relying on AD, even a minor breach or downtime can affect the entire enterprise. That’s why it’s so important to consider modernizing your Active Directory environment so you can better address these needs.

Our award-winning, Microsoft platform management solutions have been used to migrate, secure and manage more than 180 million users around the globe – across all the cloud/hybrid/on-prem Microsoft platforms you see here on this diagram. But the Quest difference – what makes us unique from every other vendor --- ACTIVE DIRECTORY. We list Active Directory in the center of this diagram because THIS is where we stand out and differentiate ourselves while going back to our roots. We are the Active Directory leaders … and we have been since the beginning. We focus on optimizing AD first, because it's the backbone of your organization . And then after we optimize and secure your AD, we can expand our offering to the rest of your Microsoft environment that AD controls, such as Office 365, Exchange, Skype for Business and more!

Only with Quest can you MOVE it, MANAGE it and SECURE it. Move it with zero-impact, manage it with less and secure it against threats.

Side 2 (Back)

Side 2 then provides the menu of all the different products we offer.

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