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Can you archive and take snapshots simultaneously?

We run a monthly archive job within Rapid Recovery that takes 4 days to complete.


During this time, no snapshots are taken since the archive job is blocking them and puts them in a queue.


Is it possible to run them both at the same time?

  • The issue here is that archiving blocks rollup jobs and then queued rollup jobs block snapshots. To work around this I suggest you disable rollup from the settings -> nightly jobs section of the UI when you run an archive. Then when the archive completes, enable it again. Rollup won't be able to run during the archive anyway, so you aren't losing anything by making this change and you should gain the ability to have snapshots run at the same time. Just don't forget to enable rollup again otherwise you'll end up with a full repository since it won't be cleaning out old data.

    We hope to get the logic improved in the future to keep this behavior from happening. A queued rollup job ideally should not block snapshots.
  • The issue here is that archiving blocks rollup jobs and then queued rollup jobs block snapshots. To work around this I suggest you disable rollup from the settings -> nightly jobs section of the UI when you run an archive. Then when the archive completes, enable it again. Rollup won't be able to run during the archive anyway, so you aren't losing anything by making this change and you should gain the ability to have snapshots run at the same time. Just don't forget to enable rollup again otherwise you'll end up with a full repository since it won't be cleaning out old data.

    We hope to get the logic improved in the future to keep this behavior from happening. A queued rollup job ideally should not block snapshots.
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