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Stop currently running rollup

I am having hardware issues with the storage that houses one of the 3 extents for my repository (Appassure  A rollup of all 75 agents is currently running, but looks likes it's going to take another 6 hours at least.  Can I stop this rollup without corrupting the repository?

  • Yes, you can cancel rollup. It may take a long time to cancel as it has to complete the current action it is doing, but it will cancel. It will not revert any of the changes it made to recovery points and it will not corrupt the repository. Do NOT stop or kill the core service until rollup has cancelled successfully as that is highly likely to cause repository corruption.
  • Yes, you can cancel rollup. It may take a long time to cancel as it has to complete the current action it is doing, but it will cancel. It will not revert any of the changes it made to recovery points and it will not corrupt the repository. Do NOT stop or kill the core service until rollup has cancelled successfully as that is highly likely to cause repository corruption.
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