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Stop currently running rollup

I am having hardware issues with the storage that houses one of the 3 extents for my repository (Appassure  A rollup of all 75 agents is currently running, but looks likes it's going to take another 6 hours at least.  Can I stop this rollup without corrupting the repository?

  • Hi Alices:
    In Appassure + P-1612 it is safe to stop rollups. However, please note that after rollups finish or are cancelled another set of background jobs called deferred deletes are performed and it is not advisable cancelling them. (Some times they are in the hundreds so it is almost impossible to cancel them manually, they need to be performed to free space on your repository and they will find one way or another to re-run upon the completion of other operations).
    We recommend a rollup script (KB#137049 for AppAssure) that implements a different rollup logic, running rollups one by one as opposed to a block-job and allow other operations to be performed in parallel.

    The version for 6.1.1 is able to rollup protected machines beginning with the machines that were rolled up the longest ago and run parallel rollups on multiple repositories -- which may suggest yet another reason to upgrade.

  • Hi Alices:
    In Appassure + P-1612 it is safe to stop rollups. However, please note that after rollups finish or are cancelled another set of background jobs called deferred deletes are performed and it is not advisable cancelling them. (Some times they are in the hundreds so it is almost impossible to cancel them manually, they need to be performed to free space on your repository and they will find one way or another to re-run upon the completion of other operations).
    We recommend a rollup script (KB#137049 for AppAssure) that implements a different rollup logic, running rollups one by one as opposed to a block-job and allow other operations to be performed in parallel.

    The version for 6.1.1 is able to rollup protected machines beginning with the machines that were rolled up the longest ago and run parallel rollups on multiple repositories -- which may suggest yet another reason to upgrade.

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