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Windows Server 2016 Program Compatibility Assistant blocking drivers

I recently tried to install an agent ( on a hyper-v vm running server 2016 and the Program Compatibility Assistant blocked all the driver installations because it didn't like the digital signatures. Is this a known issue?


  • The drivers have not been tested with every OS we support. So to minimize risk, we are only providing them on a case by case basis and specifying that you should only use them on the systems specifically affected. We've fully tested with those operating systems and secure boot enabled, we just haven't been able to run through the full gamut of testing on the other operating systems yet. That full testing is coming with version 7 which is when we will feel 100% confident in releasing the drivers with the installer and allowign them to run on older operating systems.

    What was the SR number that took 5 days? I'll take that to the Support Managers and make sure we learn from your experience and improve.
  • The drivers have not been tested with every OS we support. So to minimize risk, we are only providing them on a case by case basis and specifying that you should only use them on the systems specifically affected. We've fully tested with those operating systems and secure boot enabled, we just haven't been able to run through the full gamut of testing on the other operating systems yet. That full testing is coming with version 7 which is when we will feel 100% confident in releasing the drivers with the installer and allowign them to run on older operating systems.

    What was the SR number that took 5 days? I'll take that to the Support Managers and make sure we learn from your experience and improve.
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