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Can Dell Rapid Recovery Core archive to Amazon Glacier?

Can Dell Rapid Recovery Core archive to Amazon Glacier?  (I know that Amazon S3 is supported, but is Glacier?)

  • Rapid Recovery cannot archive directly to an Amazon Glacier bucket. However, you can archive to an S3 bucket and then in the Lifecycle Policy for the S3 bucket, specify how often the data is moved to Glacier. From the front end you won't see any difference, but it will move the data to the cheaper Glacier storage. When restoring you will have to restore to S3 from Glacier and then you will be able to access the data by attaching the archive in Rapid Recovery. There is no direct restore from Glacier.
  • Rapid Recovery cannot archive directly to an Amazon Glacier bucket. However, you can archive to an S3 bucket and then in the Lifecycle Policy for the S3 bucket, specify how often the data is moved to Glacier. From the front end you won't see any difference, but it will move the data to the cheaper Glacier storage. When restoring you will have to restore to S3 from Glacier and then you will be able to access the data by attaching the archive in Rapid Recovery. There is no direct restore from Glacier.
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