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With Rapid Recovery Can I back up folders, instead of entire drives?

 I know with Appassure only entire drives could be backed up. Has that changed? I have drives that I do not need to back up in their entirety. I am now running Rapid Recovery I cannot find an answer for this in the knowledge base.

  • We're happy to go through logs with you to find the root cause for those base images. Depending on the reason, we may or may not be able to prevent those in the future. Here are the most common reasons for them - - but the core logs will give us a reason for them. If you open C:\programdata\apprecovery\logs\AppRecovery.log and search for "a base image" that should take you straight to the events where the base image was triggered and there should be a reason for it listed. If it's not in that log (because it's cycled already) check the AppRecovery00, 01, or 02.log files.
  • We're happy to go through logs with you to find the root cause for those base images. Depending on the reason, we may or may not be able to prevent those in the future. Here are the most common reasons for them - - but the core logs will give us a reason for them. If you open C:\programdata\apprecovery\logs\AppRecovery.log and search for "a base image" that should take you straight to the events where the base image was triggered and there should be a reason for it listed. If it's not in that log (because it's cycled already) check the AppRecovery00, 01, or 02.log files.
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