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Standby VM Sync Time

It appears that if one export for a standby VM fails then the entire export process begins again. This would be understandable if there was a mandated time or number of data changes for export VM's to remain in "sync" but there isn't.

For instance if the queue is backed up RR does not seem to care if the window is missed, it simply does it later. Also, I can set my backup schedule on any given machine for once an hour or once a day and they still stay in "sync" regardless of changes or data moved.

Given these things why does RR barf and start over if the hypervisor happens to be off or the network is down for one snapshot?

Also in regards to standby VM's. Is it possible for these to "sync" while running or paused? I dare not try it knowing one problem will force me to start over. A process that can take days for large servers.

  • If the host is powered off the VS doesn't even run - the core logs this in the journal:

    Failed to enqueue continuous export of 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Reason: Unable to connect to the remote server details

    Then the next export pass is another incremental just to catch up.
  • If the host is powered off the VS doesn't even run - the core logs this in the journal:

    Failed to enqueue continuous export of 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Reason: Unable to connect to the remote server details

    Then the next export pass is another incremental just to catch up.
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