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Is the quest forum team purging posts they don't like?

just a query because my 6.1.2 - disappointed post seems to have vanished, even though I had been notified of a reply

  • Not as far as I know. If it was reported as abusive or spam it might have been removed due to that. We've seen our own Quest engineer's posts get marked and taken down. If that happened you should have gotten a notification. If you click on your name and go to profile -> activities you should be able to see all activities and find it that way.
  • Not as far as I know. If it was reported as abusive or spam it might have been removed due to that. We've seen our own Quest engineer's posts get marked and taken down. If that happened you should have gotten a notification. If you click on your name and go to profile -> activities you should be able to see all activities and find it that way.
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