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Core inside a VM (Guest)

Can we put RR inside a virtual machine without limitations?

I'm sure I read somewhere about export limitations and the like..

  • Also if we are talking about VMware VMs, and where to install the RR core, keep in mind that where you install the core enables or disables certain features.

    For an example if the RR core is running upon a physical server you may have the option to use LAN-Free SAN:

    If it is installed within a VMware VM you may have the option of using the HotAdd feature:

    Pros and Cons to both, not a question of 'right' or 'wrong.'
  • Also if we are talking about VMware VMs, and where to install the RR core, keep in mind that where you install the core enables or disables certain features.

    For an example if the RR core is running upon a physical server you may have the option to use LAN-Free SAN:

    If it is installed within a VMware VM you may have the option of using the HotAdd feature:

    Pros and Cons to both, not a question of 'right' or 'wrong.'
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