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How to change Rapid Recovery date format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy and time from 12 hours period to 24 hours period

I have tried to change Rapid Recovery User Interface date format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy and time from 12 hours period to 24 hours period, but with no success.

Is it possible to configure this two options?




  • Hi hsantos:

    Yes, it is possible to change Date-Time formatting.

    If you are located out of the US and use a different locale, please go the the Settings tab, the General Section and change the locale to your country (or to the local settings most close to your needs) as shown in the example below. In the example I changed the Locale to English UK which may be close of what you are looking for.


    On the other hand, if you need to change the date/time for other reasons (i.e. processing data for reports) and are facing difficulties in sorting it, please note that date-time objects have their own type (they are not plain strings) and sorting should not be a problem no matter the format.

    Moreover, if you get the Date-Time as a string, you can convert it to the Date-Time type (and optionally recast it to the string type you need). 

    Please see the PowerShell example below as it is way easier to do than explain...

    Hope that this helps.

  • Hi hsantos:

    Yes, it is possible to change Date-Time formatting.

    If you are located out of the US and use a different locale, please go the the Settings tab, the General Section and change the locale to your country (or to the local settings most close to your needs) as shown in the example below. In the example I changed the Locale to English UK which may be close of what you are looking for.


    On the other hand, if you need to change the date/time for other reasons (i.e. processing data for reports) and are facing difficulties in sorting it, please note that date-time objects have their own type (they are not plain strings) and sorting should not be a problem no matter the format.

    Moreover, if you get the Date-Time as a string, you can convert it to the Date-Time type (and optionally recast it to the string type you need). 

    Please see the PowerShell example below as it is way easier to do than explain...

    Hope that this helps.

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