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Recovery Disk Management

Hi All,

I just fired up the recovery console for the first time in RR and I noticed that there is no longer a disk management feature. In AA it was a tab where you could partition and format the destination volumes. It was pretty handy, is there a reason it was eliminated?

  • Good catch, I never even realized it was missing. Looks like diskpart is still in there however so you'd have to open up command prompt and from the prompt:


    That will open up diskpart and that allows you do partition your drives.

    I hadn't noticed it was missing from the menu honestly.

  • Good catch, I never even realized it was missing. Looks like diskpart is still in there however so you'd have to open up command prompt and from the prompt:


    That will open up diskpart and that allows you do partition your drives.

    I hadn't noticed it was missing from the menu honestly.

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