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Differential Restore of a drive to another server

I have an old server I am needing to retire. One of the drives I need to restore to a new server. This drive is rather large at just under 8 TB. I performed a redirected restore to the new server, (not live recovery). That took a little over a week to complete. Is there a way to do a live recovery of that drive to the new server that is a differential so that only the changes are restored? Just looking for the best and fastest way to complete this.

  • If there was/ is a DR and it takes 7 days, a lot of heat is probably going to come down from management. It sounds like you are already going thru this so these suggestions wont help you now, but when management wants to know how to fix this

    - 8TB is a lot of data, maybe this data can be split between multiple machines

    - If this is mission critical, and with 8tb of data I assume it is. Setup this client to export. Yes you are going to have to have +8Tb of storage on the target but I bet management approves the storage request after taking over a week to restore.
  • If there was/ is a DR and it takes 7 days, a lot of heat is probably going to come down from management. It sounds like you are already going thru this so these suggestions wont help you now, but when management wants to know how to fix this

    - 8TB is a lot of data, maybe this data can be split between multiple machines

    - If this is mission critical, and with 8tb of data I assume it is. Setup this client to export. Yes you are going to have to have +8Tb of storage on the target but I bet management approves the storage request after taking over a week to restore.
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