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Standby VM of a VM

We currently export of one of our physical servers as a standby VM to a DR site. I am thinking of migrating that physical server to virtual by just waiting for a scheduled snapshot, turning off the physical server and turning on the standby VM.

After I do will I be able to simply point the scheduled standby export to a new hypervisor,  let it export a new base and continue on. Basically making a standby VM of a VM instead of a physical.

This machine is running a DB application on 2008r2 and is not a DC.

Any input is appreciated.

  • Here's how I would do it:
    1. Force snapshot on physical server
    2. Wait for snapshot to complete. Once complete, power off physical server.
    3. Wait for virtual standby export of the most recent backup to complete. Once complete, pause virtual standby for that machine.
    4. Power on virtual machine. Confirm all services and functions are working as expected. Hopefully you can manually assign it the same IP that the physical server had so that networking is simple.
    5. Run the protect wizard to protect virtual machine with core. This must be done in order for backups of the VM to occur.
    6. Delete old virtual standby configuration. (You can't edit and change the host destination)
    7. Create new virtual standby configuration pointing to a different host.

    There will be a little downtime with this process, but it shouldn't be too bad.
  • Here's how I would do it:
    1. Force snapshot on physical server
    2. Wait for snapshot to complete. Once complete, power off physical server.
    3. Wait for virtual standby export of the most recent backup to complete. Once complete, pause virtual standby for that machine.
    4. Power on virtual machine. Confirm all services and functions are working as expected. Hopefully you can manually assign it the same IP that the physical server had so that networking is simple.
    5. Run the protect wizard to protect virtual machine with core. This must be done in order for backups of the VM to occur.
    6. Delete old virtual standby configuration. (You can't edit and change the host destination)
    7. Create new virtual standby configuration pointing to a different host.

    There will be a little downtime with this process, but it shouldn't be too bad.
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