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Standby VM of a VM

We currently export of one of our physical servers as a standby VM to a DR site. I am thinking of migrating that physical server to virtual by just waiting for a scheduled snapshot, turning off the physical server and turning on the standby VM.

After I do will I be able to simply point the scheduled standby export to a new hypervisor,  let it export a new base and continue on. Basically making a standby VM of a VM instead of a physical.

This machine is running a DB application on 2008r2 and is not a DC.

Any input is appreciated.

  • I put in a support request and they suggested that if the physical machine has an agent on it then the conversion to virtual would not effect the backup routine and it may not even take a new base image if I was lucky.

    They did agree with the rest of it exactly as you stated. I'll report back with the results in a day or two when I am done.
  • I put in a support request and they suggested that if the physical machine has an agent on it then the conversion to virtual would not effect the backup routine and it may not even take a new base image if I was lucky.

    They did agree with the rest of it exactly as you stated. I'll report back with the results in a day or two when I am done.
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