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Did Windows Update break the Rapid Recovery web interface?

On two different cores, the web interface would not load after installing KB4093123. Both worked after removing the update. Did this happen to anyone else? Is there a workaround?


  • Auto update is not enabled for Rapid Recovery 6.2. The reason it is not enabled is that 6.2 is GDPR compliant and in order to be GDPR compliant it requires that an end user manually run the installer and accept the privacy policy. Unfortunately, we have no way of notifying each core without also providing an "install now" link. If we enabled it and you clicked "install now" the install would fail. So rather than put everyone in a situation where they would experience failed upgrades, we opted to notify everyone via email and not enable auto update.
  • Auto update is not enabled for Rapid Recovery 6.2. The reason it is not enabled is that 6.2 is GDPR compliant and in order to be GDPR compliant it requires that an end user manually run the installer and accept the privacy policy. Unfortunately, we have no way of notifying each core without also providing an "install now" link. If we enabled it and you clicked "install now" the install would fail. So rather than put everyone in a situation where they would experience failed upgrades, we opted to notify everyone via email and not enable auto update.
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