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Unable to Setup Replication

The connection is actively refused. Am I supposed to install the agent on the future repository? I read as much as I can find but the instructions are sort of obscure. Ditto for seeding. I read it as

1) run the replication wizard from the core

2) choose the server you want to replicate to (which fails)

3) select a removable media source drive to seed and export

4) attach source to new repository and consume seed using web console ( I guess)?

5) sync

  • You need to have the core installed on the machine you want to replicate to. Then you need to make sure port 8006 is open between the two cores that will be replicating.

  • That makes sense. Do they just assume people will know that? Maybe I missed it I guess.

    Thanks, I'll try that.

  • Under the replication section of the User Guide (Page 217 in the 6.2 user guide) it states:

    Replication is the process of copying recovery points from one Rapid Recovery Core and transmitting them
    to another
    Rapid Recovery Core for disaster recovery purposes. The process requires a paired source-target
    relationship between two or more Cores.

    Then it goes on to explain exactly how to set it up and a variety of possible configurations.

  • Under the replication section of the User Guide (Page 217 in the 6.2 user guide) it states:

    Replication is the process of copying recovery points from one Rapid Recovery Core and transmitting them
    to another
    Rapid Recovery Core for disaster recovery purposes. The process requires a paired source-target
    relationship between two or more Cores.

    Then it goes on to explain exactly how to set it up and a variety of possible configurations.
