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Rapid Recovery failing to restore form base image.

i have been trying to get a backup to restore to a computer that the hard drive died in. i have booted into the software when i try to restore with the key and ip address it get an error when it starts restoring "Error executing disk changes"

Server side:

System.InvalidOperationException: Error executing disk changes at Replay.Agent.Implementation.Rollback.Partitioner.Execute(IStorageMetadata metadata, IEnumerable`1 disks) at Replay.Agent.Implementation.Rollback.Partitioner.ExecutePartitioning(PartitionRequest request)

Exception chain:

Error executing disk changes
Call to service method POST failed: Error executing disk changes
One or more errors occurred.

Parents Reply Children
  • I do suggest adding storage related drivers to the Boot CD during creation. It may be missing a driver needed to continue.
    Another possibility is, if the original HD was an OEM stamp, it maybe the volume size is slightly larger than the actual disk size. If that is the case, there is no work around. It is hard to tell over chat.

    Please open a service request so an engineer may evaluate and assist with the issue,