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Rapid Recovery has detected the presence....error

I have one server the logs this error every day-

Rapid Recovery has detected the presence of Symantec Backup Exec on 'SERVER'. Some customers have experienced configuration difficulties between this software and Rapid Recovery, preventing backups or causing incorrect behavior. Please review the KB article at for more details.

The link has no useful information and AA5 is long gone. Can we get this error updated?

Also, I'm pretty sure this can be disabled so it does not log every time the machine backs up but I can't figure out how to do it.


Parents Reply
  • Your support contract is for a fixed period of time and is sold in conjunction with the license. It can then be renewed when it has reached it's expiration and the Quest renewals team will reach out to you to do that.

    To check and see if you still have maintenance, log into the Quest Support portal at and then you should be able to check on the status of your assets and see if you still have maintenance. If you can't see it in there for some reason, you can call support to open a case and ask the support admins (the people answering the phones) why you can't see that information. They should be able to answer your questions related to maintenance expiration.
