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Local mount utility not able to mount recovery points for Windows 2016 protected machines

Hello community,

I am able protect my Windows 2016 physical server using data protection core.

But when I tried to use the Local mount utility to mount the recovery point, an error appears:

"Could not retrieve recovery points for the agent "ip address" due to a network error. Please verify your connection to the Core "localhost" and status of the Core service."

There is no network error. I can mount the recovery points for all other servers except the 2 Windows 2016 servers.

Version of core:

Version of local mount utility:

Backup server: Windows 2012 Standard 64 bit.

I am suspecting that the local mount utility version does not support Windows 2016 servers?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

  • It seems you have a version mismatch situation, which usually results in unexpected behavior, such as the message you posted.

    Normally, if your core is, you should be using Local Mount Utility to match the core's version. Though this would be a quicker solution for you, unfortunately 6.1.1 is no longer available for download.

    You can download 6.1.3 through the latest version, 6.2.1.

    We understand that you can mount using the core console without issue. It does not seem clear if you intend to use LMU from outside your core. In this case, though we do not recommend this method, there could be a possibility that upgrading your LMU to a higher version (at least 6.1.3), and try again. But, as stated, we DO NOT recommend this as a solution for you.

    What we DO recommend is that you upgrade your core (and its related replication cores) to the latest version, then upgrade your Local Mount Utility, wherever you intend to use it from.

    I hope the above helps.
    If you need further assistance with this situation, please open a service request.