Help troubleshooting Azure archive (powershell)

We are seeing a lot of issues when setting up cloud accounts to Azure. We know the issue is with Azure but since its being configured from RR we are always involved (and blamed)

Could anyone help me find a way to test the information that RR uses to setup a cloud account but outside of RR?

I am thinking it could be done with powershell fairly easy but I am not sure what would be required. I would love it if there was a quick script/ commandlet I could type into powershell to test the customers setup. If it fails in powershell then they know the issue is azure not RR. It also seems like it maybe easier to troubleshoot this way also

I tried to ind enough information from azure logging and RR but they don't seem to pass enough information for me to pull the cmd apart

Thanks in advance

  • I'm not sure what you mean. You're saying you are trying to configure a cloud account and it gives you an error? Do you have an example of the error? I'm not sure how we would script a validation that would be any better than the validation done when creating the account.

    When you find the issue, what is the cause of it usually? Is it the customer didn't create the correct storage account? Or didn't provide the right subscription ID or something like that?

    I'm at a loss as to what you're trying to validate. Would screenshots of where to get the correct info in Azure help your users? Or maybe a video?

  • Sorry, this is for Azure Virtual export but I guess archive could be similar. The Azure Virtual export asks for a few bits of information

    Display name:
    Cloud type:
    Tenant ID
    Application ID
    Secret key
    Subscription ID
    And while its not to hard to get this information there is a lot of setup from Azure to make sure it is configured properly and it covers several pages of the RR user guide. There always seems to be something wrong with the Azure setup so when we enter the information above, Azure returns an error
    An example of the error is below. We have went over the credentials and made sure the object 123 has owner rights to 456 (according the user guide) and still cant get past it.
    Exception chain:
    Serialized exception information was not found in the database.
    Recovered details are: System.InvalidOperationException: Azure resource manager credentials is invalid. ---> Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException: The client '123' with object id '123' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read' over scope '/subscriptions/456' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials. at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.SubscriptionsOperations.d__6.MoveNext()
    So it would be great if there was a powershell cmd where I could pass all of the above information to azure to make sure it was correct before trying to configure it within the console and it failing
  • Sorry, this is for Azure Virtual export but I guess archive could be similar. The Azure Virtual export asks for a few bits of information

    Display name:
    Cloud type:
    Tenant ID
    Application ID
    Secret key
    Subscription ID
    And while its not to hard to get this information there is a lot of setup from Azure to make sure it is configured properly and it covers several pages of the RR user guide. There always seems to be something wrong with the Azure setup so when we enter the information above, Azure returns an error
    An example of the error is below. We have went over the credentials and made sure the object 123 has owner rights to 456 (according the user guide) and still cant get past it.
    Exception chain:
    Serialized exception information was not found in the database.
    Recovered details are: System.InvalidOperationException: Azure resource manager credentials is invalid. ---> Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException: The client '123' with object id '123' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read' over scope '/subscriptions/456' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials. at Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.SubscriptionsOperations.d__6.MoveNext()
    So it would be great if there was a powershell cmd where I could pass all of the above information to azure to make sure it was correct before trying to configure it within the console and it failing
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