Rapid Recovery 6.5 - anyone using it

Hi everyone, looking at upgrading to Rapid Recovery 6.5, upgrading from 6.4, but not seen anyone on here using it.  Has anyone updated and what are your experiences with it and the update process?

  • So far I've been using it, mostly just to validate that it integrated with ESXi7 properly, so far it's worked for me fine. The process hasn't really changed, gracefully stop the core service manually and then once stopped run the .exe to update the core. As usual you don't HAVE to upgrade the agent to 6.5, the older agents will continue to work (granted they aren't EOL'ed), and you can upgrade them whenever you're ready. If you use replication keep in mind you can replicate UP in version, not DOWN, so perhaps consider upgrading your target core first in case you get pre-occupied and don't get to both you can still replicate. 

    I haven't had a problem with 6.5 yet, its been good for me thus far. 

  • So far I've been using it, mostly just to validate that it integrated with ESXi7 properly, so far it's worked for me fine. The process hasn't really changed, gracefully stop the core service manually and then once stopped run the .exe to update the core. As usual you don't HAVE to upgrade the agent to 6.5, the older agents will continue to work (granted they aren't EOL'ed), and you can upgrade them whenever you're ready. If you use replication keep in mind you can replicate UP in version, not DOWN, so perhaps consider upgrading your target core first in case you get pre-occupied and don't get to both you can still replicate. 

    I haven't had a problem with 6.5 yet, its been good for me thus far. 

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